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In addition to downloading them to your computer, we’re particularly excited that you can now backup your notes to Box. Not only does that mean you can keep your notes in the cloud with the same level of security enjoyed by companies like Proctor & Gamble and MTV, but *we’ve partnered with Box to offer 25GB + Box Sync* to anyone that signs up! Just follow these simple steps:UPDATED1) Sign up on Fetchnotes and claim your username2) Upper-right, click your Username, and then Settings3) Click on Sign Up Now (in orange) and sign up to Box4) Once you verify the account through your email, go back to Settings in Fetchnotes and click Connect to Box5) Once you sign in to Box, you are now connected! “Connect to Box” will now be “Upload to Box”!*It does have to be a new box account, so existing accounts won’t be updated. So as long as you have another email address, enjoy your 25GB!*
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But because Box is a freaking fantastic company to work with, that’s not the end of it. Not only do you get 25GB of free storage, when you sign up for their service via Fetchnotes *you can give out free 25GB accounts (with Box Sync) to your friends, family and co-workers too.* A couple days after you sign up, Box will send you an email that will prompt you to give out 25GB to other people. If your friends are as geeky as we are, then you’ll effectively become the cloud storage Godfather of your group, dishing out gigabytes like you’re Al Capone. Here are some suggested ways to dish out accounts:-Gain the favor of your new boss-Impress a girl or guy you like (who wouldn’t respond to a pick up line about gigabytes?!)-Barter accounts to pay off gambling debts-Run for office and promise them to citizens who vote for youDisclaimer: Neither Fetchnotes, Inc. nor Box, Inc. endorse the use of 25GB Box accounts for bribery. But if you do it, let us know and we’ll post the story on our blog because that’s freaking hilarious. Or if you can think of a great pickup line about gigabytes, send it our way — we’ll probably post that too!
We’ve been hard at work at Fetchnotes HQ. We just released a brand new web app and an enhanced desktop widget. Here’s what you can expect:
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-Better experience, more intuitive interface
-Major speed improvements
-Replacement of the dreaded shift+enter with auto-saving on the web app
-Ability to edit notes from the desktop widget (finally!)
-Auto-updates for the widget (for Ubuntu users, this is coming soon to the Software Center)
-Ability to open websites and email addresses from the app
Be sure to download the latest widget and log into the latest web app here. Note: If you’re among the 2% of our users that are on Internet Explorer, you’ll still see the old web app. We’re sorry, and we’re working on it.
Now, on to the ridiculous subject line! We have two absolutely ludicrous requests.
First, we want you to help us with some key strategic decisions we have to make about user acquisition, monetization and other big meaty questions. We figured, “hey, our users chose Fetchnotes, so they must be smart. Why not just ask them?” Call it crowd-sourced strategy. Weigh in by clicking here.
We’ve wanted to keep Fetchnotes free for now, so we haven’t charged a dime to anyone yet (except someone who downloaded it and gave Alex $1 at a bar…whoever you are, call me maybe?). But, we’ve got servers to pay for and engineers to feed, so we hacked together a page using Gumroad that allows you to help fund our efforts before we get real investment. In return for anything over $1, we will send you a video of us singing karaoke. Dead serious. Invest in your future entertainment and vote for the song here.

This past week I’ve had the great pleasure of becoming friends with Alex Schiff through a really fun, and somewhat intimidating turn of events as we decided
and I sent out on Monday to the Fetchnotes user base: communicating our plans to crowdsource the Fetchnotes product:“Dear Fetchnotes friends,Today, you, me, and thousands of others were slated to lose access to a product we love. After acquiring Fetchnotes last year, Drift announced that they had shifted focus and were shutting down the app.I didn’t feel quite right about that, and it turns out some of the original founders of Fetchnotes felt the same way. The app’s unique approach to organization and syncing across all devices made our day-to-day lives a whole lot easier—and we didn’t want to lose that. So, with their support, I’ve purchased Fetchnotes, assumed all of the monthly costs, and am planning to turn Fetchnotes into a sustainable service.My main gig is as a product manager in the FinTech industry, and it’s clear that Fetchnotes is not only an impressive product—it also has tons of untapped potential. My new friends (the original founders) told me that Fetchnotes has always had a unique, special community, and I want to reinvest in that community. My vision for Fetchnotes is to be a product supported by member contributors, as well as users and friends who dedicate a little bit of time and resources to work together, design, develop, and release new features.Fetchnotes is now yours, mine, and all of ours.I’ve personally committed to footing the bill for the next six months, allowing Fetchnotes to keep the lights on as we build out a sustainability strategy. I would sincerely appreciate any contribution you’re willing to make to keep the product alive—pay whatever amount feels right.Become a contributer here: f you have any questions, are interested in contributing as a developer/designer, or just want to chat, drop me a line and say hi!Your new friend,
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Taking my leave of absence papers to the University of Michigan was on my to do list, and I attached the appropriate files to the note so when I was ready to act on it they were right there. I needed Chase’s papers too, so I just added him to the note by adding “@chase” and he was able to add his to the note as well. There are currently NO limits on the size or types of files you can upload, so you can even use it as its own Twitter-style cloud storage product! To make this happen, we used a company called They just graduated YCombinator and are killing it — we highly recommend their product to any developers looking to integrate product-agnostic file storage into their applications.