Software Engineer Skills

Must-Have Software Engineer Skills to Get a Job [Entry-Level, Medium, Senior] 

Are you struggling to get a dream job because you don’t have the required software engineer skills? If yes, then you are at the right place. Here, we will tell you what skills you need to craft a winning resume.

Becoming a software engineer is not easy as you have to keep yourself updated with new, changing tools and technologies. Your work on developing, testing, and debugging software can also go wrong if you don’t have the right set of skills for it. That’s why to get accomplishments in this industry, you have to learn those skills. 

However, there is no need to worry, as from Skillhub's cover letter writing service you'll know how you can acquire the necessary skills, how much time it will take, and how much effort you will need to master them. 

Who Is a Software Engineer? 

A software engineer is a person who applies different computer science principles to design software. They can develop solutions to engage with the needs of businesses and consumers. Software engineer technical skills include designing, modifying, maintaining, and debugging software.

A software engineer also works with other engineers and developers to create software. Based on past experiences in this career field, a software engineer’s resume will allow one to get more interviews from big companies. 

Software Engineer Technical Skills 

Being a software engineer, you need to hone some technical skills for doing automation projects for a certain company. The reason behind this is simple: these skills will help you land a job in the future. Today, many companies rely on employees who have better technical knowledge. So, let’s check out the skills for software engineer:

  • programming;
  • data structure & algorithm;
  • software development;
  • object-oriented design;
  • software testing.

Software Engineer Soft Skills 

A software engineer is required to be knowledgeable about the soft skills that are relevant to this field. When you know the skills you possess, it will be easier for you to seek a job in that specific computer science department. Here, we will tell you about some software engineer non technical skills that can make you an attractive candidate:

  • multitasking;
  • communication;
  • teamwork;
  • problem-solving;
  • logical thinking.

Crucial Skills for Software Engineer 

It’s important to know the top skills for software engineer because their job relies mainly on tools, programs, and processes. If you become an ultimate pro, then many recruiters will want to hire you. 

Most industries automate work processes and use programs designed to get work done faster and more efficiently. In this regard, the sought-after top-rated skills are the following:

  • databases;
  • IDEs;
  • source control;
  • cross-platform software;
  • productivity software application.


One of the important software engineer skills is having the know-how of working with databases. A representative of this profession should understand all operations like storing records, inserting, creating, deleting, or updating a program, etc. 

The database is the core for creating any applications or software. That’s why every organization expects a software engineer who can work well with databases. To be a sound software engineer, you must excel in SQL databases.

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Integrated Development Environment

Among the top-rated software engineer skills, integrated development environment (IDE) comes second. It enables you to write, compile, modify, debug, and run your code. Using IDE can speed up your work, and you can also choose the best development environment for yourself.

For instance, C, C++ programmers can work with Visual Studio Code, while for Python developers, Spyder or PyCharm is the best choice.

Source Control

This is one of the software engineer skills that are required to pave your path to success. Source control allows software engineers to manage and store their code. If you want to seek your dream job, then you need to be proficient in it. 

Besides, your expertise in tools like Git, Mercurial, and SVN can be a great attraction for any company to recruit you. 

Cross-Platform Software

Understanding the peculiarities of cross-platform software is one of the essential software engineer skills. Cross-platform software enables you to write your code only once, and then it will be shared across different platforms automatically.

However, the final product must run on a maximum system like Mac, Windows, or Linux. When many devices adopt the software, it will only increase the worth of your product. 

Productive Software Application

In addition to software engineer skills, many industries use standard and specialized software. That is often called “productivity software,” as it is designed to make work faster. The software application includes Google Suite, Slack, Zapier, and JIRA.

If you become an expert,in handling these programs, no one can stop you from getting a job in the software industry. However, you must know the specialized aspects of these programs to be considered a pro.How to Improve Software Engineer Skills?

Whether you are experienced or a beginner, you need to improve your software engineer skills with time. You can enroll yourself in an online course to learn a new set of skills, as it will save your time. Although the way is not easy, you have to remain consistent and passionate.

Get an Online Degree Program for Career Growth 

To get software engineer jobs in a short time, you should consider an online course instead of learning in a traditional university. Besides, if a software engineer gets an online degree, they can learn highly transferable skills that will help them fulfill their job duties well.

During class, you can learn about data structure or programming, but you will develop time management skills while dealing with your schedule.

Follow Influencers in the Field 

Let’s have a look at five software engineer blog experts. 

  • Martin Fowler

Martin is an expert in software design who writes about agile, refactoring, and microservices.

  • Vaughn Vernon

Vaughn knows all about DDD. 

  • Eric Evans

He is a well-known professional in domain language and software design. 

  • Claus Ibsen

Claus is a principal engineer who works for Red Hat and is an expert in cloud and integration.

  • Andy Hunt

He is famous for writing valuable books on software development.

Now, let’s have a look at Twitter experts.

  • Kent Beck

He is an expert on TDD and extreme programming.

  • Erich Gamma

Erich is a software development enthusiast and an author.

  • Steve McConnell

Steve is a crucial person in software engineering and project management.

  • Vanessa Hurst

Vanessa aims to empower coders through CodeMontage.

  • Alex Payne

Alex is the first employee who helped build Twitter’s developer program in 2007.

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Engage in Professional Networking 

This is the age of collaboration, so you must learn some scientist skills. They will come in handy when you start making connections and building your own network in the job market. If you can’t create your own network, then find the one you could join and benefit from.

Software Engineer in the Workplace 

Software engineer job requirements include resolving technical issues of a system, so they usually work in a well-equipped office setting. In most cases, a software engineer works 40 hours per week to meet the deadlines of projects, but many of them can also perform their duties remotely.

How to Showcase Your Skills? 

To showcase your software engineer skills in your resume, you must review the job description first. Then compare your technical skills to the job post. If the skills are relevant, then make sure to mention all of them in the skills section of the resume to catch the attention of employers. 

Skills for Resume [Example] 

Don’t be generic while writing your skills in the resume because recruiters hate it. Here, we will tell you the proper way to write a software engineer skills section.

Soft Skills

  • Organizational skills
  • Conceptual skills
  • Decision-making

Hard Skills

  • App development
  • Coding
  • Cybersecurity

Programming languages

  • Python
  • Java
  • C, C++

I am an expert in managing projects and can handle pressure during work. Have a grip on AI and object-oriented programming.

Skills for the Job Interview 

Skills needed to be a software engineer can’t be measured once and for all, as the industry is evolving quickly. You can only get a job in the interview when you showcase the required skills for the position. Our Skillhub's resume editing services online suggest to avoid general statements and back up your claims with specific examples of projects you completed, with numbers if possible. If you do it correctly, the recruiter will employ you as their competent candidate immediately. 

Sample for Software Engineer Resume Skills Section 

To determine whether your resume meets software engineer requirements, the hiring manager mainly uses applicant tracking system software. Read on to know how to compose the skills section that beats ATS bots. 

Software Engineer Skills in a Resume Skills Section 

Software engineer skills should be depicted as precisely as possible. Look at the following example from the software engineer resume.


Languages: fluent in HTML, Python, and Ruby.

Platforms: understanding of Adobe AEM/CQ and Salesforce.

Framework: expert in Ember.js and AngularJS frameworks.

Databases: familiar with MongoDB, MySQL, and Oracle.

How to Write Skills in a Resume Work Experience Section? 

Here is an example of how one can write top skills for software engineer in the work experience section in the resume.

Lead software engineer

Company name: XYZ

Date: ABC 

  • Became a leader of 5 junior developers and completed 9 complex career resources projects.
  • Have engineered cloud infrastructure to store millions of data points.
  • Solved cybersecurity issues for 100+ clients.

If you need help to make it stand out in your resume, turn it to professional resume services that will highlight it in the right resume section.

To Sum Up

Now you know all about software engineer skills. Whether you are a senior or junior in the industry, having a corresponding skillset is a must. It is the only way to surpass the competition.

Besides, crafting a job-winning resume is also an important task. If you want to make your resume perfect, our writers will do a fantastic job customizing your document so you have great chances of landing more interviews!

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