Top Interview Questions and Expert Answers to Help You Land Your Dream Job in 2023

So, you’ve nailed that career opportunity and almost succeeded in your job search. Which interview questions might a recruiter ask you? More importantly, should you ask a recruiter questions to maximize your interview chances and get a job? In this guide, our professional resume writing service will tell you the most recruiter-liked answer so you'll easily take off.
Find answers to the questions above in the article below:
- Types of interview questions and how to answer them.
- Questions you should ask a recruiter and questions to avoid asking.
- Tips for interview preparation.
Let's dive into it!
Top Interview Questions List
Think of a job interview as a meeting when hiring managers prefer asking candidates questions rather than answering. After checking out your resume and cover letter, a recruiter will ask you questions to learn more about your work experience and personality.
Common interview questions. These are the questions about your education, skills, and experience. For instance, ‘Where did you study to improve your skills?’ or ‘What did the company you worked for specialize in?’
Situational job interview questions. These questions target hypothetical situations to find out more about your way of thinking. These are typically questions like ‘What will you do if one of your mentees fails their responsibilities?’ or ‘How will you increase your productivity?’
Behavioral questions: These are good interview questions to learn more about your experience and stress resistance. Questions like ‘Which was the riskiest decision you’ve ever taken in your career?’ or ‘Which was your biggest failure?’ fall into this category.
Common Interview Questions
These are the questions a recruiter will typically start a job interview with. Common interview questions and answers are the best sample interview questions one can find on communication and job expectations. They might also include questions on motivation, work environment, and how the company might benefit from hiring you.

Tell Me Something About Yourself
It’s the most popular warmup interview question regardless of the job description or the interview format. As one of the candidates for the job, place a great value on your skills, education, and personality traits when answering this question and before applying for jobs.
The possible answer is: ‘I am a friendly and hardworking person who graduated from University Name a few years ago and whose main goal in the career of a nurse is helping people heal and overcome the crisis. I also engage in volunteering on Sundays.’
Walk Me Through Your Resume
It would be one of the most basic interview questions, especially if the recruiter failed to read your entire resume because they lacked time. Here, you want to start with your education and continue with relevant skills and experience.
The possible answer is: ‘As you see from my resume statement, I’ve graduated from College Name and continued my education in Courses or University Name. My most important skills are software knowledge and self-discipline, while my greatest job achievement is getting an award for creating the most powerful book cover in 2018.’
How Did You Hear About This Position?
It’s one of the most common interview questions to ask. A recruiter might want to know which communication channels work the best in the process of job hunting. There is no such thing as a ‘right answer’ to this question if you want to boost your chances of getting the job, get one of the best roles, or promote your experience. Just stay sincere and honest.
The possible answer is: ‘I’ve found your job post on Name of the Site’ or ‘I heard about your job position from my friend who works here.’
Why Did You Decide to Apply for This Position?
This is one of the most common job interview questions a recruiter would ask to learn more about your motivation. We advise you to focus on things you like about the company and mix them with your value as a professional.
The possible answer is: ‘I’ve applied for this position because I believe that as an expert in programming, I’ll bring benefit to the company and improve its software systems. Additionally, your company specializes in working with medical software development companies, and this is where my expertise as a software developer lies.’
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Tell Me About Your Biggest Strengths
This is one of the best interview questions to determine the level of the candidate’s self-criticism and skills. How to answer interview questions of this type? We advise you to choose the strengths from the table below depending on your profession.
The possible answer is: ‘My desire to excel at work and constantly learn are my greatest strengths. Coupled with a superb knowledge of the regulations in the field, my strengths help me complete projects successfully.’
Tell Me About Your Biggest Weakness
This is one of the trickiest possible interview questions a recruiter might choose to ask you. Whether you’re self-aware of your weakness or not, you won’t be able to omit this question.
How to answer one of the most important questions for an interview? Be honest and mention your plans for self-improvement. Also, choose a weakness that is not related to your core professional skills.
The possible answer is: ‘One of my biggest weaknesses is being shy. However, I’m planning to improve my communication skills by joining the interpersonal relationships course. I believe the knowledge will perfect my communication and boost my confidence.’
Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?
This is one of the most common interview questions to prepare yourself for. Before you go for a job interview, do a brief research on the company’s goals, ethics, and mission. Make sure your portfolio matches the company’s strategy. For instance, if a company has strong environmentalist policies, mention an environmental project you’ve worked on.
The possible answer is: ‘Your company reflects my beliefs and values. As a copywriter, I would love to spread your message on environmentalism all over the world and promote your plastic-free products.’
Want to sound confident? Empower your answer with hard skills you have mentioned on your resume.
Why Should We Hire You?
If you answer one of the top interview questions properly, you’ll win the recruiter’s heart forever. Here, you should mention your skills and your desire for job success. Talk about the personal and career goals you plan to achieve.
The possible answer is: ‘I believe your company is a great place where I can apply my organization and communication skills and bring your selling strategies to a new level. My work experience in companies that met the same problems in their development cycle will surely benefit you.’
What Are Your Salary Requirements?
It’s one of the best interview questions to ask if a recruiter wants to know your salary expectations. Depending on your experience and years of working in the industry, your salary requirements might differ from what a company offers. The perfect ratio is suggesting a sum that is 10% higher than what you’re expecting.
The possible answer is: ‘My salary expectations correspond to the market average. However, I would like to be paid for the hours that top the regulated number of hours in my schedule.’
What Are You Looking for in a New Position?
Make sure your job interview questions and answers allow you to showcase the best of your skills and personality traits. When answering this question, state your salary expectations and job role requirements.
The possible answer is: ‘Apart from a good salary, I’m looking for a position that will allow me to use my verbal communication skills and persuasion. I love working with people and believe that your company can provide me with an opportunity to connect to people while promoting your products and increasing the customers’ trust.’
For more ideas on answer go to Resume Skills by Industry.
What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement?
One of the most typical interview questions will include a question about your professional accomplishments. How to increase your chances of landing the job while giving a satisfactory answer to the interviewer? The best idea is to relate your accomplishment to your skill-level.
The possible answer is: ‘When working for Company’s Name as an advertising specialist, I increased the site’s online traffic by 53%. As a result, the company’s sales increased by 22% in a year due to online orders and greater customer trust.’
What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?
Now that’s one of the great interview questions to determine whether the candidate is stress-resistant and loves to collaborate with others. Before you answer the question, think of the nature of your work and a career opportunity. If you prefer working in peaceful surroundings, but your job implies multitasking, think twice.
The possible answer is: ‘I am a deadline-driven worker, yet I don’t mind working in busy surroundings as a waiter. I value time, yet I will show enthusiasm to provide the best customer service even in the noisiest surroundings.’
You can also endorse your answer with a cover letter! If you need a professional help, our cover letter writing service is always happy to have your back.
Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?
Make sure you practice interview questions before walking into the recruiter’s office. Once you get on stage, improvisation might not help your performance because recruiters sense insecurity and dishonesty. In other words, prepare your plans for the future ahead.
The possible answer is: ‘I’m in the process of constant career development and personal self-improvement. In five years, I see myself as a senior graphic designer who has realized both artistic and managerial potential. I hope courses in leadership and management that I plan to take will be helpful.’
What Motivates You?
It’s one of the top interview prep questions to pay special attention to if you’re inclined to win your dream job. A question about your motivation is a great way to learn more about your self-confidence and your ability to take risks to succeed in your career.
The possible answer is: ‘I’m passionate about helping people. Hence, I always knew that a career as a nurse was the right path for me. Helping others and seeing them heal and return to their daily activities is the biggest motivation for me as a healthcare professional and a human.’
Situational Job Interview Questions
These are questions asked in an interview to identify how you coped with a past situation and whether a decision you made to solve a particular problem was successful or not. Situational questions help the recruiter identify rough twists in your career and how you held them.
Why Have You Switched Jobs So Many Times?
It’s one of the toughest questions interviewers ask to determine your personality and changes in your career path. If you’re a frequent job-hopper, prepare to answer this question in advance. Mention the reasons like parental leave, low pay, or getting a second degree for starting a new career.
The possible answer is: ‘I have changed my jobs so frequently because I pursued a career in psychology. For that to happen, I had to study at college and get a degree to expand my career resources in the future.’
Why Did You Change Your Career Path?
This is a top question to expect if you’re an entry-level specialist. One of the best interview answers an HR manager might like is ‘burnout,’ ‘lack of motivation,’ or ‘better salary.’ Sure, reasons differ, but being honest is a safe ground here.
The possible answer is: ‘I’ve never engaged in job-hopping, but once I started to feel burnt out as a developer, I decided to pursue my passion in fashion design. I’ve always been a creative person interested in art and fashion. Yet, I believe that changing industries will fulfill my dreams.’
Why Were You Fired?
It’s the least pleasant question in the notorious list of top interview questions and answers. How to win in a job hunt and save a pure reputation? Think rationally. People make mistakes, and a hiring manager will rarely get a candidate who has never been fired before.
The possible answer is: ‘I was fired from a job position of a software developer because the company has rebranded. Instead of focusing on full medical software development, they decided to create pharma apps only.’
How Would Your Boss or Coworkers Describe You?
The best way to answer this question and close the list of basic interview questions and answers with dignity is by mentioning your soft skills like problem-solving or time management. Don’t brag too much - stay real!
The possible answer is: ‘I had the best work culture in the recent company I worked for. I think my colleagues would have described me as a person who is always ready to help, solve problems, and manage projects that require strong organization skills.’
What Would Your First 30, 60, or 90 Days Look Like in This Role?
One of the best answers to interview questions of this kind is to include a list of your skills. A professional recruiter will ask you this question to find out whether you understand your job responsibilities or not. When applying for a vacancy, make sure to remember the responsibilities listed in the job post.
The possible answer is: ‘First, I’ll get acquainted with the members of the team to be managed. Later, I’ll make sure everyone is motivated and has a reason to perform their job to the highest level.’
How Do You Work Under Pressure?
In the list of the most popular interview questions with answers, this one targets your stress resistance. This personal trait is especially important in ‘people’ professions when one should hold their emotions under control when their values and beliefs are being targeted.
The possible answer is: ‘I believe that my strong communication skills will contribute to my work with customers. As my 7-year experience shows, I am great at working under pressure due to the stress-coping strategies I’ve learned before.’
Describe How You Would Adapt to New Technology
It’s one of the standard interview questions in the software development industry and other fields that require strong tech skills. Whether you succeed at mastering new technology or not, you’ll have to persuade the recruiter of your strong tech skills if you want to keep the working relationship going on.
The possible answer is: ‘If I have to master new software, I usually find YouTube tutorials with clear step-to-step instructions or expand my tech knowledge with Coursera workshops. If I have questions, I usually ask my colleagues or a supervisor.’
How Do You Like to Work? Is It Smart Way or Hard Work?
This is one of the trickiest general interview questions at first sight. Don’t worry - the purpose is to simply determine your preferred work style. Some people would like to show off their competence in every step of the project, while others would prefer a more flexible way.
The possible answer is: ‘My work style depends on the situation. If the project requires superb attention to detail, I will not quit the ‘hard work’ mode. However, if productivity is the target, then the ‘smart way’ mode works the best.’
Behavioral Questions in an Interview
In a typical job interview questions and answers sample, behavioral questions are the most complex to answer. These questions commonly target behavioral patterns that you’ve shown in a particular work-related situation that requires responsibility.
Check a few examples of behavioral questions below.
Tell Us About a Situation When You Had to Perform Under Pressure
It’s one of the top questions asked at a job interview if you’re applying for a hands-on position or one that entails a work environment driven by deadlines and multitasking.
Again, the best interview answers to behavioral questions will include your soft skills and personality traits. We advise you to choose a work situation and describe it in detail.
The possible answer is: ‘The toughest time of working at Company’s Name was summer. During the tourist season, the number of customers increased, and I had to work double shifts sometimes. I took naps when possible and applied multitasking strategies that allowed me to remember customers’ orders and manage my time.’
Tell Us About the Time When You Dealt With a Workplace Challenge
This question is not one of the most popular interview questions to hear during your job interview. However, expect this question if your work is all about dealing with people like ‘communication’ or ‘managerial’ jobs. One of the good answers to interview questions will include a description of a workplace conflict that you’ve successfully solved.
The possible answer is: ‘My biggest challenge as a manager was dealing with a discrimination report. I’ve never had experience working with such a complaint before. I talked to the victim, noted all details of the situation, and contacted the recruiter. Following the company’s procedures allowed me to solve the problem successfully.’
Tell Me When You Had to Showcase Your Leadership
This is one of the top interviewing questions if you’re applying for a job position that requires strong managerial skills and includes taking responsibility for others. Leadership is all about guiding your team members and taking action when such is required.
Prioritize this question in your list of interview questions.
The possible answer is: ‘I had a colleague who was overloaded with project responsibilities. Since he wasn’t able to perform the project himself because it included a lot of details and requirements, I did research on the project and created a team of professionals. Together, we developed a strategy and successfully completed the project.’
5 Main Steps on How to Prepare Yourself for Interview Questions
How to answer job interview questions? How to prepare yourself for answering professional interview questions?
1. Scan the job post.
Write down the keywords and pay special attention to the job responsibilities. Does the job you’re applying for require managing people? If that is so, then the recruiter will probably ask you about your leadership, self-organization, and time management.
2. Explore your soft skills.
For instance, communication jobs require a strong understanding of etiquette and being polite.
3. Explore the samples.
Check the Internet for the most common interview questions and answers to them.
4. Research the company.
Learn the company’s mission and values and align them with yours.
5. Practice!
It’s highly likely you’ll be overwhelmed during the job interview and might consider answering some questions difficult. Hence, prepare your tone of voice and body language ahead.
Interviewer Questions: What You Should and Should Not Ask the Interviewer
There is a high chance that a recruiter will ask you whether you have any questions and answers for interview left. Asking for examples of the projects or the schedule you must follow are among the most typical job interview questions. However, avoid asking the recruiter whether they do background checks and how quickly they might promote you.
Additional Tips for Most Asked Interview Questions
Try the company’s product.
By doing so, you’ll better understand the company and might even add a product analysis during your job interview.
Write down the most important
interview questions to prepare for. Later, write down the answers to them. Read them aloud. By doing so, you’ll master your tone of voice and avoid anxiety.
Create a list of the most challenging workplace situations.
Most good interview answers will include your stories on how you managed the workplace crisis and searched for the improvement of the company’s culture.
Soft skills.
When you don’t know how to answer a particular question, think of your soft skills.
Final Thoughts on the Top Interview Questions
Congrats! Now you know that answering interview questions is not as intimidating as it seems. When preparing for your job interview, consider the types of the job interview questions as follows:
- Most common questions are the easiest to answer.
- Situational questions focus on hypothetical circumstances and your ability to deal with them.
- Behavioral questions include less typical interview questions and answers but increase your chances of getting hired.
Still haven’t found an answer to the trickiest job interview questions? Contact our Skillhub resume writers, and let’s start your career together!