Investment Banking Cover Letter Sample

Getting employed in investment banking isn't that hard if you can craft a winning resume and a perfect cover letter. In this guide, experts in the writing business are going to show you how to write a cover letter step by step and share an investment banking cover letter sample for inspiration.

Here, you'll find:

  • cover letter sample;
  • template;
  • writing guide;
  • formatting guide;
  • additional tips. 

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Cover Letter for an Investment Banking [Example]

In every cover letter banking, applicants have to follow the proper cover letter format to keep their letter readable and professional-looking. It is crucial that you include all the key cover letter elements that we are going to discuss later in this guide. At the same time, it is vital to demonstrate your key skills and accomplishments.


Here is a well-formatted investment banking cover letter example for your inspiration.

1220 5th Ave,

New York, NY 10029

April 7, 2022

Leann Black

Hiring Manager


767 5th Ave,

New York, NY 10153

Dear Ms. Black,

As an investment banker with broad professional experience, I was excited to see a recent opening for an investment banker role in your company. I believe I possess the abilities, knowledge, and expertise to become a top candidate for this position and help take Apple to the next level.

In my work experience record, there are a number of big-name tech companies. My passion is helping them achieve their business objectives through careful investment research and analysis. My biggest strengths include accounting, risk management, and financial modeling skills.

In my past position at Microsoft, I've had a number of notable accomplishments:

  • assisted with a $10B IT firm acquisition through careful qualitative and quantitative analysis;
  • closed 25+ sell- and buy-side deals in 2021, each about $1B worth.

I would welcome the opportunity to have an interview with you to discuss how I can translate my skills and experience to the success of Apple.


Jack Rose

Investment Banking Cover Letter Template

In the business world, job seekers should apply certain rules to writing every part of their job application.

Here are the basic rules of a modern cover letter template.

  • Font: Calibri, Georgia, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, etc.
  • Margins: 1'' per each edge
  • Line Spacing: 1.15
  • Structure: 3 to 4 paragraphs

Ultimate Guide on How to Write an Investment Banking Cover Letter

Mastering the art of writing takes time and patience. Not every investment banker can write like a pro, even with a cover letter sample. But our experts put together their own knowledge and experiences to help you write a cover letter that gives you an opportunity to get an interview.

Need more help? Our experts have high qualifications and can write a killer letter for you quickly!

Or, read on to see how to put together a great cover letter.

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Proper Formatting for Investment Banking Cover Letter Examples

Showing recruiters your professionalism is crucial for landing the chosen position. Thus, every statement and other information you deliver must be formatted professionally.

Below is an analysis of the proper cover letter formatting for

  • heading;
  • date & company details;
  • greeting;
  • body;
  • closing paragraph.

Cover Letter Heading

The header is the first thing a hiring manager sees in your cover letter investment banking. Thus, it affects the first impression your job application makes.

In the sample below, you'll see how to format your heading to land a job in the investment banking department.

Cover Letter Sample for Investment Banking [Heading]

The cover letter header should include your contact details. Most often, the structure of elements looks as follows:

  • name;
  • address.

Here's a good cover letter investment banking example of a header:

Jack Rose

1220 5th Ave,

New York, NY 10029

Date and Company Details on Cover Letter

Under the header, indicate today's date. Then, mention the name of the hiring manager and company and the valid address.

This part of your cover letter for investment banking indicates who you are trying to contact, so it's also important.

Sample Investment Banking Cover Letter [Date and Company Details]

This section is an opportunity to indicate the company you want to apply to and its specific employees.

April 7, 2022

Leann Black

Hiring Manager


767 5th Ave,

New York, NY 10153

Cover Letter Greeting

Greeting the potential employer or recruiter in your investment banking cover letter is a formality that corresponds to basic business etiquette.

Ideally, a candidate should use ''Dear {Mr./Ms./Mx.]'' + the recruiter's last name. Also, you can use something like ''Dear Marketing Team'' instead of ''To Whom It May Concern.''

Investment Banking Sample Cover Letter [Greeting]

A good cover letter greeting can make hiring managers want to hire you. It highlights your professionalism, which can stimulate further career growth.

A perfect greeting is:

Dear Ms. Black

What to Include in an Investment Banking Cover Letter [Body]

Keep the body of your cover letter investment banking 2-3 paragraphs long. Specify the company and position you're interested in. Highlight your most significant accomplishments, skills, and areas of expertise (e.g., gold and precious metals market, foreign direct investment). Then, restate your contact info.

Cover Letter Sample Investment Banking [Body]

Here's a sample body paragraph:

In my work experience record, there are a number of big-name tech companies. My passion is helping them achieve their business objectives through careful investment research and analysis. My biggest strengths include accounting, risk management, and financial modeling skills.

Closing Paragraph for Cover Letter

A generic investment banking analyst cover letter ending won't assist you in getting hired. Instead, end the cover letter in a simple but unique way. Use it as another chance to showcase your strengths and encourage the firm representative to invite you to an interview. Find a good sample below.

Investment Banking Cover Letter Example [Closing]

Here's an investment banking cover letter template for a strong ending.

I would welcome the opportunity to have an interview with you to discuss how I can translate my skills and experience to the success of Apple.

Demonstrate Your Key Skills

Just like a resume, a cover letter for investment banking should also indicate your strongest skills to get your job application past the applicant tracking system (ATS) and show potential employers that you are an ideal employee for them.

To showcase your level of qualification effectively, you should include both soft and hard skills on a cover letter. Some of the key abilities to highlight include the following.

  • Communication
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Valuation
  • Presenting
  • Networking
  • Public speaking
  • Qualitative & quantitative analysis
  • MS Excel

Do Your Research

Writing your letter based on a random banking cover letter sample won't do any good. To make the most of it, you have to tailor your letter to the needs of a specific company you are applying to. Thus, you have to research it well.

When researching the company of your interest, pay special attention to its values and needs stated in the job description. The job description includes the major keywords recruiters will be looking for in applications.

Cover Letter Investment Banking Takeaway

  • Always research the company.
  • Stick to the right format.
  • In a header, specify your contact details, today's date, and the addressee's details.
  • Greet the hiring manager.
  • Write 2-3 body paragraphs that communicate your level of qualification, skills, experience, and objectives.
  • End with a powerful (not generic) closing.

Now you can use these tips and our investment banking cover letter sample to write yours.

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